+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

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  1. Answer: D.

PMBOK®Guide,page 137 ,Section 5. 1. 3. 1

Scope Management Plan

scopewillbedefined,developed,monitored,controlled,andvalidated.Thecomponentsofa scope

o Process for preparing a project scopestatement;

o Process that enables the creation of the WBS from the detailed project scopestatement;

o Process that establishes how the scope baseline will be approved and maintained;and

o Process that specifies how formal acceptance of the completed project deliverables will be

o The scope management plan can be formal or informal, broadly framed or highly detailed, based
on the needs of the project.

62.Answer: C.

PMBOK® Guide, pages 138 – 140 , Section 5. 2

Collect Requirements

specific.NotethatBusinessAnalysisforPractitioners:APracticeGuide[ 7 ]providesmorein-depth
information about product requirements. The project's success is directly influenced by active
stakeholderinvolvement inthe discoveryand decomposition ofneedsinto projectand product
theproduct,service,orresultoftheproject.Requirementsincludeconditionsorcapabilitiesthat are
requiredtobepresentinaproduct,service,or resulttosatisfyanagreement orotherformally
imposedspecification.Requirementsincludethequantifiedanddocumentedneedsand expectations
ofthesponsor,customer,andotherstakeholders.Theserequirementsneedtobe elicited,analyzed,
andrecordedinenoughdetailtobeincludedinthescopebaselineandtobe measuredonceproject


63.Answer: D.

PMBOK®Guide,page 140 ,Section 5. 2. 1

Collect Requirements: Inputs

The stakeholder register is used to identify stakeholders who can provide information on the
requirements. It also captures requirements and expectations that stakeholders have for theproject.

64.Answer: D.

PMBOK®Guide,pages 148 – 149 ,Section 5. 2. 3. 2 ;andFigure 5 – 7

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