+360-Questions-and-Answers-For-PMBOK-Guide-SIXTH -Edition

(khatib.arch2) #1
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1.Policy compliance and auditing. What quality policies and procedures exist in the organization?
What quality tools, techniques, and templates are used in theorganization?
2.Standards and regulatory compliance. Are there any specific quality standards in the industry that
need to be applied? Are there any specific governmental, legal,or regulatory constraints that
need to be taken intoconsideration?
3.Continuous improvement. How will quality improvement be managed in the project? Is it managed
at the organizational level or at the level of eachproject?
4.Stakeholder engagement. Is there a collaborative environment for stakeholders andsuppliers?

  1. Answer: B.

PMBOK®Guide,page 55 ,Section 3. 4 ;page 61 ,Table 1 - 4 ;andpage 227 ,Introduction

PlanningProcess Group


Table 1 - 4 reflects themappingof the 47 projectmanagement processeswithinthe fiveProject
ManagementProcessGroupsandthe 10 KnowledgeAreas.

projectand itsdeliverablesand documentinghowtheprojectwill demonstratecompliancewith

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