function syntax, Printing Objects
function type, Adding New Functions
modifier, Modifiers
pure, Pure Functions
function, reasons for, Why Functions?
function, tuple as return value, Tuples as Return Values
functional programming style, Modifiers, Glossary
gamma function, Checking Types
gather, Variable-Length Argument Tuples, Glossary, Gathering Keyword Args
GCD (greatest common divisor), Exercises
generalization, Generalization, Glossary, Search, Prototyping versus Planning
generator expression, Generator Expressions, any and all, Glossary
generator object, Generator Expressions
geometric resizing, Hashtables
get method, Dictionary as a Collection of Counters
getattr function, Debugging
getcwd function, Filenames and Paths
global statement, Global Variables, Glossary
global variable, Global Variables, Glossary
update, Global Variables
GNU Free Documentation License, The Strange History of This Book,
greatest common divisor (GCD), Exercises