optional argument, String Methods, Glossary, Exercises, Lists and Strings, Reverse
Lookup, Conditional Expressions
optional parameter, Optional Parameters, The init Method
or operator, Logical Operators
order of growth, Order of Growth, Glossary
order of operations, Order of Operations, Glossary, I’ve got a big hairy expression
and it doesn’t do what I expect.
os module, Filenames and Paths
other (parameter name), A More Complicated Example
OverflowError, Debugging
overloading, Glossary
override, Optional Parameters, Glossary, The init Method, Comparing Cards,
Inheritance, Debugging
palindrome, Exercises, Exercises, Looping with Indices, Exercises, Exercises
parameter, Parameters and Arguments, Variables and Parameters Are Local,
Glossary, List Arguments
gather, Variable-Length Argument Tuples
optional, Optional Parameters, The init Method
other, A More Complicated Example
self, Printing Objects
parent class, Inheritance, Inheritance, Glossary
argument in, Function Calls
empty, Adding New Functions, String Methods