Think Python: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

(singke) #1

Catching Exceptions, Databases

operand, Glossary

operator, Glossary

and,    Logical Operators

arithmetic, Arithmetic  Operators

bitwise,    Arithmetic  Operators

boolean,    The in  Operator

bracket,    A   String  Is  a   Sequence,   Lists   Are Mutable,    Tuples  Are Immutable

del,    Deleting    Elements

format, Format  Operator,   Glossary,   When    I   run the program I   get an  exception.

in, The in  Operator,   Search, Lists   Are Mutable,    A   Dictionary  Is  a   Mapping

is, Objects and Values, Copying

logical,    Boolean Expressions,    Logical Operators

modulus,    Floor   Division    and Modulus,    Glossary

not,    Logical Operators

or, Logical Operators

overloading,    Glossary

relational, Boolean Expressions,    Comparing   Cards

slice,  String  Slices, Exercises,  List    Slices, List    Arguments,  Tuples  Are Immutable

string, String  Operations

update, Map,    Filter  and Reduce

operator overloading, Operator Overloading, Comparing Cards

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