Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

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is my humble attempt to explain to you why a man might go on
ahead and get a little something on the side, and what you can do
to cut down the chances that your man will do this to you. So
let’s just go on ahead and get right to it. Men cheat because...

Dress it up any way you want to, but men don’t view sex the
way you women do, plain and simple. For a lot of you, the act of
intercourse is emotional—an act of love. That’s understandable,
considering the sheer physics of the act; you have to lie back and
allow a foreign object to enter your body. You’ve been taught all
your life that you only let that kind of deeply intimate moment
happen with someone who really means something to you.
By contrast, when it comes to men and sex, neither emotions
nor meaning necessarily enter the equation. It’s easy—very
easy—for a man to have sex, go home, wash it off with soap and
water, and act like what he just did never happened. Sex can be
a purely physical act for us—love has absolutely nothing to do
with it. Consider this “Strawberry Letter” from a woman who
called herself “Concerned”:

During a conversation with my husband of 20 years, I asked
him if he would honestly always be satisfied with having
sex with me only. He hesitated for so long before answering
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