coming a truly independent, mature, well-off man. I mean,
how many times have you seen or been in a relationship where
the man says over and over again, “When I get my money
right, I’ll think about commitment,” or, “I just need to get that
promotion first, then I’ll settle down.” That guy is still trying
to complete himself, and while he’s working toward that, he’s
not organizing his life to include a committed relationship. He
tells himself he simply doesn’t have time for it—it’s simply not
a priority for him. And so creep he will.
The same can be true, even, of a man who is married with
children. The man who is mature and has figured out who he
is and is happy with what he does and how much he makes
probably has his life ordered up correctly; he’s become the man
he envisioned himself being and has put his priorities in this
order: God, family, education, business, and then everything
else. But if family isn’t second, it’s about to be a problem; he’s
going to dedicate himself to whatever his priorities are, in the
order in which he’s put them. Even if he’s already said, “I do,”
and held his babies in his arms and done everything a man’s
supposed to do to protect and provide for them, if he’s decided
that it’s more important to him to fulfill that hunting jones, then
that’s going to be the priority for him—he’s not going to sync up
with your demand that he be faithful. He’s not going to rub it in
your face, and he’s going to do everything he can to preserve
what he has with you, but he’s still going to have a little some-
thing on the side. Really, it’s got nothing to do with you.