Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

these things and give me all these things, but I’m not happy. I
don’t have any peace and I just don’t feel like I have my life
together.” And right then and there, he made the decision to
stop treating women the way he’d been treating them and get
what he was finally yearning for: a family. His philandering
stopped cold. He’s not saved. He didn’t have some big revelation
with God, he didn’t get called to the ministry. He just decided
he needed to do something different to find the joy in his life,
and the only way he could find that was with someone, and
only one someone, special.
When a man finds that joy—the chances of his cheating get
really slim. Unless...

That’s right, I said it: it could have something to do with
you. Your man may be walking around telling himself that
your relationship just doesn’t have that spark anymore, that you
don’t turn him on like you used to—that you don’t come on to
him like you did when the two of you first fell in love. You
know how it goes: the two of you get comfortable with each
other, settle in, have some babies, buy a house, and then get
bogged down in the bills and raising the kids and going to work
and keeping up with the rat race that comes when you’re a

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