So, ladies, the reasons I’ve given here are the primary rea-
sons men cheat, but trust me, there are many, many more. A
man is always going to have a reason to justify why he’s doing
wrong, and those reasons will change from man to man and
woman to woman. What’s important for you to understand,
though, is that regardless of a man’s reasons, he knows what you
know: it’s wrong to commit to someone and promise to remain
faithful and then go against that—especially if this was one of
your mate’s requirements. Women can go over it again and
again in their minds, finding all kinds of deficiencies in them-
selves—“I didn’t do this right,” “I wasn’t good enough,” “I
didn’t love him the way I should,” “she came in here and out-
performed me”—but the fact still remains that he didn’t have
any business cheating. So women need to release themselves
from the blame of a cheating man’s actions—just do that for
yourselves. Because holding on to that baggage can be paralyz-
ing; it can cripple you and keep you from performing in your
next encounter. You simply cannot drive forward if you’re fo-
cused on what’s happening in the rearview mirror.
You can, however, limit the amount of times you’re cheated
on again. You do that by upping the ante on your requirements.
See, you have a lot more power to limit the things that happen
to you—you’ve got the power of persuasion, your power of
intuition, your power of suggestion, standards to help keep you
protected. If you let a man know up front that you’ll tolerate a
lot of things but cheating is not one of them, then he’s really