Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

Once there’s a penalty and he’s forced to say to himself, “Wow,
everything I’ve ever loved was about to be lost,” he may very
well come through the fire a better man.
Is that to say it’s going to be easy to forgive him and not be
suspicious? No. But he may eventually earn your trust back and
be willing to work through it with you. He’s not going to like
being asked questions about where he’s been, he’s going to hate
not being able to be intimate with you while you work through
your anger, and he’s going to be really reluctant to carry his
butt down to the psychologist’s office with you. But in his heart
of hearts, he knows that’s a part of working his way back into
your heart. He knows he created this—he knows what he did,
and he understands the consequences, ramifications, and reper-
cussions way better than you think he does. We understand
penalties, and we know it’s going to be straight hell. Trust me,
I know. Because it’s happened to me. It happens to a lot of men.
You can’t be a man of power and not step outside your house. I
don’t know one man of power who has not stepped outside his
house. Such a man may exist but I have not met him. But I do
know men of power who have learned to do right, go home,
and take care of their families. Each one of them eventually gets
to that. I certainly have; now, I carry my behind home. I had to
come to this, though. And guess what? I know a lot of those
same men—entertainers, ball players, executives, and so on—who
have turned into some of the best husbands and fathers in the
world, because they’ve lined up their life responsibilities in the

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