Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

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to prove to you that he deserves your love and affection. The
Power. Just think of it this way: when it comes to having sex
with a woman, we men don’t decide a thing. We don’t deter-
mine when we’re going to sleep with you—that decision is
yours. The decision of when we get to kiss you is yours. When
we let go of each other’s hug and embrace? That decision is
yours. We put our hands somewhere on your body other than
your shoulder and you decide if we can keep touching that place
or if we gotta let it go. Our job is to convince you to give it to
us—to allow us to touch it, let us have it. But the decision on
whether we actually get to have it is Y.O.U.R.S.
Don’t give up that power. Keep it. You only give up that
power when the man has earned it, and he is going to respect it
and do something with it.
That’s the truth.
Women have crumbled empires with that power. Cleopatra
helped destroy Rome. Read your Bible: we’re still in a jam
right now because of Eve. Women have always had that kind of
power, and you do, too—including making the man you’re
dating wait for the benefits. Oh, I’m not saying you can’t pay
the man; payment comes along the way during that ninety-day
probationary period. You can hug, kiss, talk on the phone, go
for a walk in the park, have an ice cream cone together, go out
for dinner. Your time is a form of payment. When we’re out to
dinner with you, you can’t imagine how we feel when we’re
looking forward to meeting you and you show up with your lip

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