Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

isn’t always going to be on point. We stay off balance because
even though we’re responding in a way that we believe is logi-
cal, our women will inevitably respond emotionally—which
always throws a monkey wrench right into the middle of what
we’re trying to accomplish. Most of the time, it feels to us that
your response is determined not wholly by what is rational, but
mostly by how you’re feeling that particular day, at that particu-
lar moment. A perfect example: your man can lick you on the
same breast with the same amount of moisture in the same exact
position that had you hollering and screaming last night, and
this evening, you will look at him and say, with conviction,
“What are you doing? I don’t want that.” And now he’s all con-
fused because, hey, if you lick him on that spot and he liked it
yesterday, he’s going to like it today and tomorrow and the day
after that, too. But you, not so much. What you like and how
you like it seemingly shifts from day to day, sometimes even
moment to moment. And that is not logical to us—we can’t
figure it out, ever. If we get it right, great. But sometimes, we’re
just going to get it wrong. A lot of times, the more inexperi-
enced of us men are going to completely screw it up. For ex-
ample, consider a woman who walks into the room in a visible
huff; a guy who’s young and not too smart in this relationship
business may ask his lady what’s wrong, and she may say, “noth-
ing.” That fool will be the one to say, “Okay, cool.” He will
also be the one who gets laid out with the, “Dammit—you saw
me tripping and you’re just going to walk off without seeing

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