Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

than that simple line—but at the very least, he won’t immediately
peg you as a throwback. Your comments may lead him to talk
about why he works out, which could lead to a meaningful con-
versation about a mutual interest you both have for staying in
shape. And that could lead to him asking more questions, for
which a keeper will have plenty of answers—laced, of course, with
enough requirements to let this man know that you’re a keeper,
someone who is looking for a man who will stick around.
Now, revealing that you’re a keeper is no guarantee that this
guy won’t just walk away. Some men really are just sport fishing
and have no intention of doing anything more than throwing
back the women they bed. If this is the case with this man, then
let him walk—what do you care? He’s not the guy you’re looking
for. I know that you and your girls have been told for years on
end that you just don’t pass up any opportunities when a man
walks your way—he could be The One. But I’m here to tell you
that this philosophy is just plain dumb. Women are smart—you
all can tell when your friends are lying, you know when your
kids are up to no good, co-workers can’t get anything past you at
the job. You’re quick to let each one of them know that you’re
not stupid, that you see them coming a mile away, and you’re not
going to let them play that game with you. But when it comes to
your relationships with the opposite sex, all of that goes out the
window; you relinquish your power and lose all control over the
situation—cede it to any old man who looks at you twice. Just
because he happened to look at you twice.

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