Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

of listeners out there dealing with the same drama in their own
lives. We give our opinions on the situation, and some sound
suggestions for how they can get out of the mess they’re in with
the hope that the advice we’re passing on helps not only the
person who wrote us, but the legions of fans also looking for
A lot of the “Strawberry Letters” touch me, but one that
stood out to me recently was from a woman who wrote an at-
tention getter in the subject line: Did I Marry a Man or a Boy?
She went on to say that she’s a thirty-five-year-old woman who
is married to a thirty-year-old man she’d dated for ten years
before they got married about six months ago. She claimed that
although their relationship is great, his “controlling” mother is
driving her crazy. Here’s some of what she wrote:

She controls my husband like he is a little child. She
calls on him to do everything. She calls my house late
at night and I can hear her through the phone, scream-
ing at him about something that she may not have
agreed on. She calls on him for money, to paint her
house, to pick her up from the movies, to cook for spe-
cial occasions, and even wash her clothes. What prompted
me to write this letter is the fact that it is now 10:42
P.M., and I am home alone because my husband was just
called by his mother to come to her house to help bake
cakes for a fund-raiser tomorrow. I had plans to spend
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