Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

134 Unit 4 Applied critical thinking

claims. But even if that widespread belief
(shown by Chart 2) is unfounded, it is not
because the data in Chart 3 contradicts it.
It is perfectly rational for people to hold the
two views: (1) that there are more cheats than
there were; but (2) that they wouldn’t cheat
themselves. These do not conflict; so nor do
the two sets of data.
Before answering the next question, there
is a further short document to read:

We simply cannot say. We also have to wonder
whether those questioned in the Chart 3
survey would all have answered truthfully.
There is no contradiction here. If 13% of all
adults are willing to admit to being tempted to
exaggerate a claim, that could result in a
considerable and increasing number of actual
claims. It could certainly be a sufficient
number to explain why many believe that
there was a significant increase in dishonest

How did no-win no-fee change things?
Ten years after the introduction of no-win no-fee agreements the UK Compensation
Recovery Unit reported that the number of cases registered to the unit had remained
relatively stable. In 2000/1 there were 735,931. The number in 2007/8 was 732,750.
For example, clinical negligence cases notified to the unit fell from 10,890 in
2000/1 to 8872 in 2007/8. Accidents at work cases fell from 97,675 in 2000/1 to
68,497 in 2007/8. Only motor accident claims have risen rapidly, rocketing from
403,892 cases in 2004/5 to 551,899 cases in 2007/8.
In its 2006 report on the ‘compensation culture’, the House of Commons Constitutional
Affairs Committee heard evidence that personal injury claims had gone up from about
250,000 in the early 1970s to the current level, but that the introduction of no-win no-fee
had coincided with this levelling off.
Lawyers dispute the claim that no-win no-fee inevitably leads to more frivolous
claims and more cases generally. They say the solicitor acts as a filter, knowing that
every case that doesn’t make it to court or a settlement is a financial loss to the firm.
BBC News Magazine

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