Thinking Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

(singke) #1

42 Unit 2 Critical thinking: the basics


•   We have looked at the workings of some
relatively simple arguments, and suggested
some ways of analysing and interpreting
them, by identifying the reason(s) and the
conclusion, and explaining the structure.
• Reasons (premises) can operate
in combination with each other, or
• Some parts of a text may not belong to the
actual argument.

because analysis is a form of interpretation,
and different interpretations can be found for
the same text. The more complex the text,
the more room there is for differing
So, if your way of reconstructing an
argument is not exactly the same as the one
suggested in the book, this won’t necessarily
mean that yours is wrong. What is important
is that you recognise the conclusion and the
main reasons, and that you are satisfied that
you understand the argument and can explain
it clearly. Analysis helps you to be clear, but it
should not be a straitjacket.

huge for those who reach the top that the
risk will always seem worth taking.
c No sport should be allowed in which the
prime object is to injure an opponent.
Nor should any sport be allowed in which
the spectators enjoy seeing competitors
inflict physical harm on each other. On
that score, boxing should be one of the
first sports to be outlawed. What boxers
have to do, in order to win matches, is to
batter their opponents senseless in front
of large, bloodthirsty crowds.

Answers and comments are on page 312.

Analyse the following arguments using the
methods discussed in this unit.
a People shouldn’t be fooled into buying
bottled mineral water. It’s meant to be
safe but there have been several health
alerts about chemicals found in some
brands. It costs silly money, and anyway
tap water, which is free, is just as good.
b It is inevitable that every year some
athletes will give in to the temptation of
taking performance-enhancing drugs. At
the highest levels of sport, drugs can
make the difference between winning gold
and winning nothing. The rewards are so

End-of-chapter assignment

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