
(avery) #1
Help Your Laptop
Survive a Bath
technology First thing:
Power it off completely.
Wipe it dry with a towel,
and then open it as far as
you can, turn it upside
down, and let the liquid
drip out. The longer you
can leave it that way (up
to 24 hours), the better.
And that thing about
burying a device in rice to
suck out the moisture?
With computers, “it really
doesn’t work, and it could
harm the system,” Joe
Silverman, owner of
New York Computer Help,
told the New York Times.
“You have to clean out
the rice, which could pop
some of the components.”

Get a Free Gym
money If you’re a senior
citizen and you have
health insurance, check
out SilverSneakers
This national network
gives you complimentary
access to gyms, classes,
and on-demand fitness

Deodorize Your
Bathroom Naturally
home Looking for a way
to eliminate icky bath-
room smells that doesn’t
require a daily spray?
Place five or so drops of
any essential oil on the
inside of the cardboard
toilet paper roll, and voilà!
Every time someone
grabs some paper, the
movement will reactivate
the pleasant but not over-
the-top scent. Just be
careful that the oil doesn’t
get on the paper itself,
which comes in contact
with some, um, sensitive

Save Time Cleaning
the Tank
pets Cleaning the fish
tank is not a pleasant job.
Luckily, you need to
change only 10 percent of
the water each week—
and you don’t have to
move the fish. But you
should clean the sides of
the bowl or tank with a
sponge or toothbrush—
never soap—every few
weeks, placing the fish in
a cup or separate bowl
while you tidy the place
up. If you have a power
filter, change the filter
container every month,
and clean the gravel

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We Found a Fix
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