I said, “18 months
and a year and a half
are the same.”
She shrugged. “What
do I know? I never had
—Joel Brill
Northridge, California
Sorry, I wasn’t listening
when you were talking
about your dog. I was
busy looking in my
phone for a picture of
my superior dog.
Our doctor’s office
called to let my
husband know that
the results from his
blood tests came back
and he was just fine.
That didn’t suit my
“What’s my choles-
terol level?” he asked.
“Mr. Crocker, you are
just fine,” insisted the
“Still, I’d like you to
mail me the results.”
A few days later, he
My great-aunt looked
confused when I told
her that my daughter
was 18 months old.
“Oh,” she said. “I
thought she was a year
and a half.”
“But Aunt Marie,"
“... and these are some of the books I would have read
if the Internet had never been invented.”
16 may 2019 cartoon by Mike Shapiro
in these
United States