Translation PFE - Academic year 2016/2017

(paffblack) #1

End of study Project: Translation | By
Page 16 of 39

goal, and I want to go take it out on somebody else that’s not what we observed we found

is that people just became much more self-interested self-serving and became less

constrained by concern for others in advancing their own goals and I think that’s one of the

things that I think was most surprising about this work.

 Steve sheretta

 So if that's the way things work around here then I'm gonna look of number one is that kind

of it

 Maurice Schweitzer

 That’s right

 Steve sheretta

 Okay so in terms of what you might look at next then what... what are the possibilities?

 Jeremy yep

 well these findings have informed some of our current work where we're investigating the

relationship between anger and perspective taking and what we're beginning to find that's

consistent with some of the work that we've just discussed is that when people feel angry

they become more ego centric perspective taking is a different type of

 cognitive process where people adopt another person's viewpoint in the situation and we

are learning that people who feel angry tend to view a situation.... to anchor on their

own viewpoint and not adjust to or accommodate other people's viewpoints

 Steve sheretta

 Alright well thank you both for coming

 Jeremy yep

 Thank you.

 Maurice Schweitzer

 Thank you.

 The translation:
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