Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

accustoms, the surrounding around me has always been cultured and
filled with my ethnicity due to the encounter of thetraditions with my
parents. my thoughts used to be very negative towardsmy ethnicity. i
have always hated being culturally different. beingborn and raised in
america i could tell when my childhood was incrediblydifferent. in
elementary school, i had different lunches from everyonethat was
filled with rice and different cuisines from my culture,while other kids
had a simple peanut butter and jelly. everyday atlunch i would throw
away my food and not eat during lunch. if i came homewith no eaten
food my parents would get mad so i had to come upwith a solution. i
hated my culture. i ended up not learning the language,not liking the
cuisines, etc. but when i grew up i saw how beautifulit was to be
culturally different. that my culture was unique andmemorizing in its
own aspect. nevertheless, my ethnic cultures weremy childhood. when
i grew older i become fond of my ethnicity, makingme want to learn
the language, try new foods, and i wasn’t afraid tohide my culture
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
i believe asian stereotypes are seen as more traditional.there are many
people who differ from the stereotypes but traditionallyasians have
“small eyes” or “eat rice”. i don’t really like stereotypesbecause it
groups and labels asians and more commonly used asinsults. in school
many people chanted asian stereotypes, for exampleif a dog is brought
up they will announce “anda is going to eat it”. andhonestly i really
hate that. i believe asian stereotypes shouldn’t exist,or any stereotype.
many people are different and have different traditions.not every facial
feature is the same nor every cuisine. and even ifa person fits the
stereotype it still shouldn’t be said because asianscome in all shapes
and sizes, not chained to a label.
A theoretical space without racism.
in a world without racism i see peace and prosperity.i see a world
where everyone views others as equals. there is nowar nor
segregation. i imagine like a small village in movieswhere everyone
knows each other and become friends. i would be ableto peacefully go
to school, work, or any public area without the fearof being assaulted
with words or actions. i would definitely not feelthe same. i would feel
safer and happier in an area where i am more acceptedand my people
are considered insiders. one day i would like to seethis imaginary
world come to reality and people of all differentethnics and races join


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