Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

216 Chapter 9

Table 9- 4 Muscles Moving the Humerus
Muscle Origin Insertion Function

Coracobrachialis^ Scapula^ Humerus^ Flexes, adducts arm^

Pectoralis major^ Clavicle; sternum six upper ribs^ Humerus^ Flexes, adducts, rotates arm medially^

Teres major^ Scapula^ Humerus^ Adducts, extends, rotates arm medially^

Teres minor^ Scapula^ Humerus^ Rotates arm laterally and adducts^

Deltoid^ Clavicle, scapula^ Humerus^ Abducts arm^

Supraspinatus^ Scapula^ Humerus^ Abducts arm^

Infraspinatus^ Scapula^ Humerus^ Rotates humerus outward^
Latissimus dorsi Lower six thoracic; lumbar vertebrae; Humerus Extends, adducts, rotates arm medially,

(^) sacrum; ilium lower four ribs draws shoulder downward and backward
Table 9- 5 Muscles Moving the Elbow and the Wrist
Muscles Moving the Elbow
Muscle Function
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Brachialis^ Flexes forearm^
Triceps brachii (three heads)^ Extends and adducts forearm^
Biceps brachii (two heads)^ Flexes arm; flexes forearm; supinates hand^
Anconeus^ Extends forearm^
Brachioradialis Flexes forearm
Muscles Moving the Wrist
Muscle Function
Flexor carpi radialis^ Flexes, abducts wrist^
Flexor carpi ulnaris^ Flexes, adducts wrist^
Extensor carpi radialis brevis^ Extends and abducts wrist joint^
Extensor carpi radialis longus^ Extends and abducts wrist^
Extensor carpi ulnaris^ Extends, adducts wrist^
Palmaris longus^ Flexes wrist joint^
Palmaris brevis^ Tenses palm of hand^
Extensor digitorum communis Extends wrist joint
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extend the arm: the triceps brachii and the anconeus
Muscles Moving the Wrist
The two flexor carpi (FLEKS-ohr KAHR-pye) muscles
flex the wrist and the three extensor carpi muscles
extend- the wrist with the assistance of the extensor
digitorum communis. Table 9-5 lists the muscles that move
the wrist and the functions they perform. These muscles are
also involved in abducting and adducting the wrist. When
your pulse is taken, the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis is
used as the site to locate the ra-dial pulse.

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