The Lymphatic Circulatory System 367
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Splenic Anemia (^)
Splenic anemia is also characterized by an ab- stomach and fluid accumulating in the ab- (^)
normal enlargement of the spleen caused domen. This condition usually requires the (^)
by hemorrhages that develop from the surgical removal of the spleen. (^)
Summary Outline
- The lymphatic system transports a fluid called
lymph through lymphatic capillaries and vessels
called lymphatics.^
- The system controls body fluids and destroys harm-ful
- The system consists of lymph, lymph vessels, lymph
nodes, the tonsils, the spleen, the thymus gland, and
Peyer’s patches in the intestine.
The Functions of The System
and The Structure and Functions
of The Lymphatic Vessels
- The functions of the system are to drain interstitial
fluid from tissue spaces, to transport fats from the
digestive tract to the blood, to develop immunities,
and to produce lymphocytes.^
- Some blood plasma gets forced through the blood
capillary walls into spaces between tissue cells. This is
called interstitial fluid.^
- Lymphatic capillaries drain interstitial fluid, which is
now called lymph, and pass this fluid on to lymph
vessels called lymphatics.
4. In the villi of the small intestine, special lymphatics
called lacteals pick up fats and transport them to the
blood.^ - Lymph in lacteals looks milky due to the fats and is
called chyle.
Lymphatic Vessels
- Lymphatic vessels originate singly or in plexuses as
blind-end tubes called lymphatic capillaries be-tween
cells in most parts of the body.^ - Lymphatic capillaries unite to form larger vessels
called lymphatics, which resemble veins but are
thinner and have more valves. Valves ensure a one-
way flow of lymph.^ - Eventually, all lymphatics converge into two
main channels: the thoracic duct and the right
lymphatic duct.
Lymph Nodes
- Lymph nodes, also called lymph glands, are found
along the lengths of lymphatics. Groupings of lymph
nodes are present in the groin, armpit, and neck region. - Efferent lymphatics exit the lymph node at the hi-
lum, a slight depression on one side. Blood vessels
and nerves also exit and enter at the hilum.