Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Place the most appropriate number in the blank

B cells 1. Immunoglobulin (^)
T cells 2. Vaccine (^)
Adenoid 3. Macrophage (^)
Antibody 4. Gamma globulin (^)
Blood storage (^) 5. Lysis of
Active immunity (^) microorganisms
Passive immunity

  1. Humoral

Antigen presentation (^) immunity
Helper T cells (^) 7. Lymphokines
Complement (^) 8. Pharyngeal tonsils
(^) 9. Lingual tonsils (^)
(^) 10. Spleen (^)
(^) 11. Cellular immunity (^)
(^) 12. Palatine tonsils (^)
Chapter 15
Search and Explore
● Write about a family member or some-one
you know who has one of the com-mon
diseases, disorders, or conditions
introduced in this chapter, and tell about
the disease.^
● Visit the National Cancer Institute at Choose a cancer
related to this chapter from the A to Z List
of Cancers. Give an oral presentation
about your findings.
Case Study^
Quinn, a 20-year-old man, visits an outpatient clinic. He appears to be weak and
-lethargic. Quinn tells the health care provider that he feels like he has a bad case of the
flu. He states he has night sweats that drench the bed, and that he has lost around 10
pounds since becoming ill. He seems anxious and admits that he has had unprotected sex
with two male partners over the last few months. The care pro-vider examines Quinn and
documents that he has a fever and swollen lymph nodes^
in his neck.

1.^ Based on this information, what disorder might Quinn have?^
2.^ How is this disorder transmitted from one person to another?^
3.^ Why must the care provider continually monitor the T-cell count?^
4.^ What complications can individuals with this disorder eventually develop?^
5. What is the prognosis for individuals with this condition?

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