Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Thyroxine a hormone of the thyroid gland that regulates the
metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins; also known as

tetraiodothyroxine (T^4 )^
Tibia larger of the two bones forming the lower leg
Tibialis anterior muscle that dorsally flexes the foot
Tibialis posterior muscle that plantar-flexes the foot
Tissue groups of cells similar in size, shape, and function
Tone a property of muscle whereby a steady or constant state
of partial contraction is maintained in a muscle^
Tongue organ that manipulates food and forms the floor of the

oral cavity^
Tonsillitis a bacterial infection of the tonsils
Trabeculae fibrous connective tissue; extension of the capsule
of a lymph node^
Trabeculae carneae irregular ridges and folds of the
myocar-dium of the ventricles^
Trachea windpipe
Tract a bundle of fibers inside the central nervous system
Transcription process by which messenger RNA copies the
genetic code in a DNA molecule^
Transfer RNA a type of RNA that translates the code of a
DNA^ molecule that was copied by messenger RNA^
Transitional epithelium several layers of closely packed,
flex-ible, easily stretched cells; cells appear flat when stretched
and saw-toothed when relaxed^
Translation process by which transfer RNA reads the code on
messenger RNA and gets the amino acids to make a protein^
Transverse plane dividing the body into superior and inferior

Transverse colon the second part of the colon found under
the liver^
Transversus abdominis muscle that compresses abdominal
Trapezium a bone of the wrist; also called the greater

Trapezius muscle that draws the head to one side and rotates
the scapula^
Trapezoid a bone of the wrist; also called the lesser
Triacylglycerols types of fats found in the human body
Triceps brachii muscle that extends and adducts the
Trichomonas a flagellated protozoan that causes inflam-
mation of vaginal tissue with an odorous yellow-green

Tricuspid valve valve between the right atrium and right

Tricuspids molar teeth with three cusps
Trigeminal nerve V largest of the cranial nerves; controls
chewing movements^
Trigone a triangular region of the bladder formed by the two
openings from the ureters and the single urethral opening^
Triiodothyronine a hormone of the thyroid gland that regu-
lates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
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