Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1


Note: The letter “f” denotes a figure.

A bands, 200, 202f
abdominal aorta, 328f, 329, 334,
334f, 335^
abdominal wall, 218, 218f, 219f
abdominopelvic cavity, 5, 7f
abducens nerve, 253f, 258–260, 261f
abduction, 184, 185f
abductor brevis, 219f
abductor digiti minimi, 220f,
221, 221f^
abductor hallucis, 220f, 221, 221f
abductor pollicis, 217f, 218
ABO blood group, 314
absorption, 374 accessory
nerve, 253f, 260,
260f, 261f
acetabulum, 166, 187
acetaldehyde, 67
acetic acid, 64, 65f
acetylcholine, 203 203f, 235,
241, 258^
acetylcholinesterase, 241
acetyl - coA, 64, 65f
Achilles tendon, 209, 211f, 220f
acid, pH, 30 – 32, 32f
acidosis, 291
acid rain, 30
acini, 386
acne, 123
acromegaly, 172
acromial process, 160, 161f
acrosome, 457
actin, 200, 204, 205, 208
action potential, 203–205, 203f, 239
active immunity, 359
active transport, 30, 43
acupuncturists, 267 Adam’s
apple, 413, 413f Addison’s
disease, 290 adduction, 184,
185f adductor longus, 219f,
adductor magnus, 211f, 219f, 220f
adductor pollicis, 217f, 218

adenine, 26, 27f, 69, 71, 71f–
73f adenoids, 357
ADH (antidiuretic hormone),
282f, 285^
adipose capsule, 436, 437f
adipose tissue, 98, 98f
ADP (adenosine diphosphate), 27, 62,
64 – 66, 66f, 205, 204f, 206f
adrenal cortex, 289 – 290
adrenal glands, 10, 289–290, 436f
adrenaline, 241, 289
adrenal medulla, 289
adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH), 282f, 285
adrenogenital system, 293– 294
ADTH (adrenocorticotropic
hormone), 282f, 284
adventitia, 375
aerobic processes, 62
afferent arteriole, 439
afferent lymphatic vessels, 353
afferent neurons, 239
afferent peripheral system,
234 234f^
agglutination, 314
aggregated lymphatic follicles. See
Peyer’s patches^
aging. See As the Body
Ages agonists, 210
agranular endoplasmic
reticulum, 47^
agranular leukocytes, 306, 308f
AIDS, 364, 475
alanine, 24f
albinism, 118
albumin, 307
alcohol, 67
alcoholic dehydrogenase, 67
aldosterone, 290, 293
alimentary canal, 11, 374, 375f,
376f, 377f, 380f
allergic reactions, 310, 363
allergists, 130
all-or-none law, 208, 241

alopecia, 127
alpha cells, pancreas, 290 alpha-
ketoglutaric acid, 64, 65f ALS
(amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis), 223
alveolar-capillary, 417
alveolar ducts, 417, 418f
alveolar sacs, 417, 418f
alveoli, 411f, 417, 418f, 470,
470f alveolus, 151, 151f
Alzheimer’s disease, 268– 269
amine group, 24
amino acids, 22, 67–68, 68f–70f, 433
ammonia, 22, 389, 433
amnion, 471
amphiarthroses, 182, 189f
ampullae sinuses, 470, 470f
ampulla of Vater, 386, 389f
amylase, 380
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
(ALS), 223^
anabolic steroids, 286
anabolism, 62
anaerobic respiration, 62, 66– 67
ana l canal, 391–392, 392f
anal columns, 392, 392f
anaphase, 76, 80
anastomosis, 333
anatomy, defined, 3– 4
anconeus, 215f, 216, 216f
androgens, 290
anemia, 315
anesthesiologists, 267
aneurysm, 270
angina pectoris, 337, 339
angioplasty, 34
ankle, 167, 168f
antagonists, 210
anterior gray horn, 243
anterior interventricular sulcus,
328f, 329^
anterior pituitary gland, 283– 287
anterior position, 5, 4f,
anterior root, 243
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