Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Index (^517)
production of, 138 breathing, 218, 219f, 254, 418–419, carbohydrates, 22–23, 67–68, (^)
respiration and, 419 419f, 424, 424f. See also 68f–70f, 378 (^)
urinary system, 433, 434–435, respiratory system carbon, chemistry of, 18– (^19)
439 – 440 breech birth, 473 carbon dioxide, 22, 28, 62, 67, (^)
blood bank technologists, 318 bronchi, 11, 415f 305 – 306, 424. See also (^)
blood pressure, 436 bronchial arteries, 335 respiratory system (^)
blood sugar, 13 bronchial tree, 411f, 415, 416f carbon monoxide poisoning, 316 (^)
blood vessels, 5, 208, 258 bronchioles, 415f, 415, 416f, 417, carboxyl group, 23 (^)
B lymphocytes, 310, 312f, 350f, 418f carcinogens, 83 (^)
358, 359 bronchitis, 420 carcinomas, 83 (^)
body cavities, 5, 6f bronchomediastinal trunk, cardia, 385, 386f, 387f (^)
body temperature, 13, 125, 130 356, 356f cardiac center, brainstem, 254 (^)
boil, 128, 129f bronchopulmonary cardiac muscle, 6, 105–106, 105f, (^)
bonds, chemical, 20–21, 20f segment, 417 200, 208– (^209)
bone marrow, 7, 102, 144 Brownian movement, 28 cardiac sonographers, 342 (^)
bone marrow transplant, 364– 365 Brunner’s gland, 390 cardiologists, 342 (^)
bones bubonic plague, 364 cardiovascular system (^)
aging and, 169 buccal cavity, 377, 380f aging, 341 (^)
appendicular skeleton, 159–163, buccal glands, 380, 381f blood flow, heart, 329–330, 330f (^)
160f–165f buccinator, 211, 212f, 213f blood vessels, 332–336, 333f, 334f, (^)
axial skeleton, 147–159, 147f–160f buffers, 32 336f, 340 (^)
bone tissue, 100, 102f bulbourethral glands, 455f, cardiac cycle, 331 (^)
classification of, 145–146, 145f 456f, 460 careers related to, 342 (^)
disorders of, 144, 170– 172 bulla, 128, 129f circulatory routes, 330f, 331– (^332)
foot arches, 168f, 169, 169f bundle of His, 330 congestive heart failure, 335 (^)
growth and formation, 138–142, burns, skin, 119, 120f coronary bypass surgery, 335 (^)
140f–143f bursae, 7, 190–191, 191f disorders of, 337– (^340)
histology of, 143–145, 143f bursitis, 192 heart, anatomy of, 325–329, (^)
hyperparathyroidism, 288 326f–328f (^)
laboratory exercise, 179
heart, conduction system, (^)
markings, 146 330, 331f (^)
overview, 6, 138 caffeine, 262 laboratory exercise, 346– (^347)
bowel, 391–392, 392f, 394 calcaneal tendon, 210f, 220f overview, 10–11, 324–325, 324f (^)
Bowman’s glomerular capsule, 437 calcaneus, 147f, 168, 168f cardiovascular technologists, 342 (^)
brachial artery, 334f, 335 calcitonin, 287 Career Focus (^)
brachialis, 215, 216f calcium, 22, 130, 287, 288, 440 blood, 267 (^)
brachial vein, 336f, 340 callus, 116 cardiovascular system, 342 (^)
brachiocephalic artery, 334, 334f calories, 62 cell biologist, 52 (^)
brachiocephalic veins, 336f, 340 canal, bone, 146 chemistry, 33 (^)
brachioradialis, 215, 216f canaliculi, 174 digestive system, 399 (^)
brain cancellous bone, 101, 144, 143f electron microscopists, 52 (^)
brainstem, 252f, 253–254, cancer endocrine system, 296 (^)
254f, 256f, 258–260, breast, 472 forensic scientists, 107 (^)
260f, 261f cervical, 466 histologists, 107 (^)
cerebellum, 252–253, 252f, 255f, digestive system, 397 immune response, 362 (^)
256f, 258–260, 260f, 261f lung, 420 integumentary system, 362 (^)
cerebrum, 252–253, 252f, 256f, lymph nodes and, 365 metabolism, 86 (^)
257f, 257–258, 263 ovarian, 477 muscular system, 225 (^)
cranial cavity, 5, 6f prostate, 461 nervous system, 267 (^)
disorders, 268– 273 skin, 125 reproductive system, 480 (^)
nervous system and, 7, 10 canine teeth, 382, 383f respiratory system, 426 (^)
parts of, 252–253, 252f, 255f canoeist elbow, 187 skeletal system, 170 (^)
brainstem, 252f, 253–254, 254f, 256f, capillaries, 10, 332–334, 333f, 334f, urinary system, 447 (^)
258 – 260, 260f, 261f 335f–336f, 336, 340, 411f, 439 carotene, 51 (^)
breast cancer, 472 capitate, 163, 164f carotid arteries, 334–335, 334f (^)

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