30.The Guardian, May 21, 1713.
31.Elementsof thePhilosophy ofNewton,vol.5; seealso
Essay on the Morals and Spirit of Nations.
1957, 2:118–120.
33.LectureonEthics,trans. L.Infield(NewYork:Harper
Torchbooks, 1963), pp. 239–240.
34.Hansard’s Parliamentary History, April 18, 1800.
in this section come from chapters 9 and 10 of this book.
- Ithas beenclaimed thatthefirst legislation protecting
Colony in 1641. Section 92 of “The Body of Liberties,”
printed in that year, reads: “No man shall exercise any
TirrannyorCrueltietowardsanybruiteCreature whichare
usuallie kept for man’s use”; and the following section
requires a rest periodfor animals being driven. This is a
remarkably advanced document; one could quibble over
whetheritwastechnicallya “law,”but certainlyNathaniel
Ward,compilerofthe“Body ofLiberties,” deserves tobe
remembered along with Richard Martin as a legislative
Their Legal Rights (Washington, D. C.: Animal Welfare
Institute, 1970).