McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1
concerns for passengers on their boats. Tour guides would have to be adept at
public speaking as well. If the fisherman did have the skills and the willingness
to perform this type of job, the government’s plan would stand a better chance of
succeeding. Otherwise, the plan would not work, because the fishermen would not
be effective as tour guides.
The Borlarvian government makes the claim that conducting boat tours will
enable fisherman to make a good living while preventing the porpoise from
becoming extinct. If this is to be the case, the answers to several key questions will
need to be obtained first, to determine whether it would be possible for fisherman
to make a good living from this endeavor. The willingness of tourists to pay, the
amount of expected revenue, the impact of weather and external factors, and the
skill and willingness of the fishermen themselves would all need to be assessed to
evaluate whether the plan proposed by the government would be likely to have the
predicted result.


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