BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019
▶Solpadol(Sanofi) Codeine phosphate 30 mg, Paracetamol 500 mgSolpadol 30 mg/ 500 mg caplets| 30 tabletP£ 2. 02 DT = £ 0. 85 m| 1 ...
▶With parenteral useDysuria lBREAST FEEDINGAvoid—although amount usually too small to be harmful, mothers vary considerably in t ...
lMEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines containing the same drug. Forms available from s ...
and y are the strengths in milligrams of dihydrocodeine and paracetamol respectively. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION MHRA/CHM ADVI ...
Breakthrough pain in patients receiving opioid therapy for chronic cancer pain ▶BY BUCCAL ADMINISTRATION USING LOZENGES ▶Child 1 ...
Medicines for Children leaflet: Fentanyl patches for pain lMEDI ...
Lozenge CAUTIONARY AND ADVISORY LABELS 2 EXCIPIENTS:May contain Propylene glycol ▶Actiq(Teva UK Ltd) Fentanyl (as Fentanyl citra ...
▶Child 1 year:Initially 200 – 300 micrograms/kg every 4 hours, adjusted according to response ▶Child 2–11 years:Initially 200 – ...
▶Morphgesic SR(AMCo) Morphine sulfate 10 mgMorphgesic SR 10 mg tablets| 60 tabletP£ 3. 85 DT = £ 5. 20 b Morphine sulfate 30 mgM ...
▶Child 12–17 years:Initially 5 mg every 4 – 6 hours, dose to be increased if necessary according to severity of pain ▶BY MOUTH U ...
Oxycodone hydrochloride 40 mgLongtec 40 mg modified-release tablets| 56 tabletP£ 50. 09 DT = £ 100. 19 b Oxycodone hydrochloride ...
Oxycodone hydrochloride 10 mgShortec 10 mg capsules| 56 capsuleP£ 13. 72 DT = £ 22. 86 b Oxycodone hydrochloride 20 mgShortec 20 ...
Moderate to severe pain (with modified-release 12 -hourly preparations) ▶BY MOUTH USING MODIFIED-RELEASE MEDICINES ▶Child 12–17 ...
Tramadol hydrochloride 150 mgMarol 150 mg modified-release tablets| 60 tabletP£ 10. 39 c Tramadol hydrochloride 200 mgMarol 200 ...
Tramadol with paracetamol 22-Feb-2018 The properties listed below are those particular to the combination only. For the properti ...
ANTIHISTAMINES›SEDATING Paracetamol with buclizine hydrochloride and codeine phosphate The properties listed below are those par ...
administered using auto-injector; maximum 12 mg per day ▶BY INTRANASAL ADMINISTRATION ▶Child 12–17 years (under expert supervisi ...
lCONTRA-INDICATIONSArrhythmias associated with accessory cardiac conduction pathways.ischaemic heart disease.peripheral vascular ...
justified. There is a risk of habituation with prolonged use. Problems settling children at night should be managed with behavio ...
Melatonin lINDICATIONS AND DOSE Sleep onset insomnia (initiated under specialist supervision)|Delayed sleep phase syndrome (init ...
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