BNF for Children (BNFC) 2018-2019
.Class I: membrane stabilising drugs (e.g. lidocaine, flecainide) .Class II: beta-blockers .Class III: amiodarone; sotalol (also ...
lRENAL IMPAIRMENTPossible accumulation of lidocaine and active metabolite; caution in severe impairment. lMONITORING REQUIREMENT ...
lHEPATIC IMPAIRMENT Dose adjustmentsAvoid or reduce dose in severe impairment. MonitoringMonitor plasma-flecainide concentration ...
▶Rare or very rare ▶With oral useAlopecia.aplastic anaemia.epididymo- orchitis.erectile dysfunction.haemolytic anaemia. pulmonar ...
lUNLICENSED USEAdenocor®licensed for treatment of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in children; not licensed for diagnosi ...
lMONITORING REQUIREMENTSMeasurement of corrected QT interval, and monitoring of ECG and electrolytes required; correct hypokalae ...
DOSE EQUIVALENCE AND CONVERSION ▶Dose may need to be reduced if digoxin (or another cardiac glycoside) has been given in the pre ...
▶BY CONTINUOUS INTRAVENOUS INFUSION ▶Child: 45 mg/kg, dose to be given over 24 hours Menorrhagia ▶BY MOUTH ▶Child 12–17 years: 1 ...
▶UncommonCavernous sinus necrosis. thrombophlebitis lCONCEPTION AND CONTRACEPTIONManufacturer advises effective ...
Factor VIII fraction, dried (Human coagulation factor VIII, dried) lINDICATIONS AND DOSE Treatment and prophylaxis of haemorrhag ...
fractionation technique; it may also contain clotting factors II, VII, and X. lMEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the lic ...
disorders.restlessness.tachycardia.taste altered. vomiting lPRESCRIBING AND DISPENSING INFORMATION Preparations with factor VIII ...
container; incompatible with polyvinyl chloride giving sets or containers; protect infusion from light. Polyethylene, polypropyl ...
eiiiiF 88 Streptokinase lINDICATIONS AND DOSE Intravascular thrombosis ▶INITIALLY BY INTRAVENOUS INFUSION ▶Child 1 month–11 year ...
followed; monitoring of APTT should be discussed with a specialist prior to treatment for thrombotic episodes in neonates. Venou ...
injection; repeat dose of phytomenadione if INR still too high after 24 hours; restart warfarin sodium when INR < 5. 0 .INR&g ...
lUNLICENSED USENot licensed for use in children under 16 years. lCONTRA-INDICATIONSActive peptic ulceration.bleeding disorders ( ...
lMEDICINAL FORMS There can be variation in the licensing of different medicines containing the same drug. Forms available from s ...
alternative anticoagulant, such as danaparoid, should be given. Ensure platelet counts return to normal range in those who requi ...
Treatment of venous thromboembolism in pregnancy ▶BY SUBCUTANEOUS INJECTION ▶Child 12–17 years (body-weight up to 50 kg): 40 mg ...
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