Preface page iii
Acknowledgements v
How BNF publications are constructed ix
How to use BNF Publications in print xii
- Guidance on Prescribing Changes xix
- Prescription writing
- Supply of medicines
- Emergency supply of medicines
- Controlled drugs and drug dependence
- Adverse reactions to drugs
- Guidance on intravenous infusions
- Prescribing in hepatic impairment
- Prescribing in renal impairment
- Prescribing in pregnancy
- Prescribing in breast-feeding
- Prescribing in palliative care
- Drugs and sport
- Prescribing in dental practice
- 1 Gastro-intestinal system page NOTES ON DRUGS AND PREPARATIONS
- 2 Cardiovascular system
- 3 Respiratory system
- 4 Nervous system
- 5 Infection
- 6 Endocrine system
- 7 Genito-urinary system
- 8 Immune system and malignant disease
- 9 Blood and nutrition
- 10 Musculoskeletal system
- 11 Eye
- 12 Ear, nose and oropharynx
- 13 Skin
- 14 Vaccines
- 15 Anaesthesia
- 16 Emergency treatment of poisoning
- Interactions
- Appendix
- Borderline substances
- Appendix
- Cautionary and advisory labels for dispensed medicines
- Dental Practitioners’Formulary
- Nurse Prescribers’Formulary
- Non-medical prescribing
- Index of proprietary manufacturers
- Special-order Manufacturers
- Index
- iv BNFC 2018 – Medical emergencies in the community inside back cover