Chapter 19: Making Your Formulas Error-Free
AutoCorrect Add the misspelled word and its correct spelling (which you select from the
list) to the AutoCorrect list.
Using AutoCorrect
AutoCorrect is a handy feature that automatically corrects common typing mistakes. You
can also add words to the list that Excel corrects automatically. The AutoCorrect dialog box
appears in Figure 19.4. To access this feature, choose File ➪ Options. In the Excel Options
dialog box, select the Proofing tab and then click the AutoCorrect Options button.
Use the AutoCorrect dialog box to control the spelling corrections Excel makes automati-
This dialog box has several options:
Correct TWo INitial CApitals Automatically corrects words with two initial uppercase let-
ters. For example, BUdget is converted to Budget. This mistake is common among fast typ-
ists. You can click the Exceptions button to specify a list of exceptions to this rule.