Now, I’m not going to say it’s impossible. I’m not
going to say it’s never happened. I’m saying it’s
highly unlikely. Therefore, it’s not the approach you
should take. However, I believe in balance, so let me
also shed light on the fact that some men can and
do change their minds about where they want a
woman to fit in their lives.
Let’s say he does come to a place where he
entertains having a relationship with you. Sometimes
a man will change his mind and embrace a
relationship after not being willing at first. However,
I firmly believe in this situation, he’s still not serious
about being with you long term. He may have just
come to the conclusion, “Okay. Let me just go along
with her desire for a relationship to pacify and shut
her up about it. I don’t want to lose the benefits she
provides. I can give her something fake for now.” I’m
using the word fake here because he’s going to give
you a fake relationship to appease you so he can keep
getting what he wants/needs from you.
If you’re asking yourself, “How do I know if it’s a
fake relationship?”
The biggest indication of a fake relationship is if
you’re giving him everything he needs and he’s not