
([email protected]) #1

It’s the fact that he knows you’re not the one for
him. You know what else? It’s perfectly okay
because he’s not the one for you either.

Deep within, you know he’s not the one for
you, but you’ve been rationalizing past it, trying to
hold on to the little things he does here and there
that matter to you. You’ve allowed yourself to look
over the red flags, to push past your doubt and
your intuition saying, “He’s not it. I don’t belong
with him.”

Listen to yourself. Follow through on your own
inner guidance.

Another question you may have in this type of
situation is, “Will he eventually want a relationship
with me? Could he change his mind about his
feelings for me?”

It’s highly unlikely. If he doesn’t see you as a
woman, he wants to commit to in the first year, six
months, whatever the time frame, he probably won’t
magically decide to change his position. He won’t
suddenly believe you’re the woman for him and
want to be with you in a relationship.

HE SAYS He Doesn’t Want a Girlfriend 19

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