
([email protected]) #1

Alicia chewed on her food and Michael’s word
without saying anything else about it. She believed
Michael, but she knew she had to make a decision.
Did she want to continue forward and see how the
relationship would progress? or Was she going to
move on and not be bothered with dealing with the
lack of time and Michael’s busy schedule, which he
claimed was the reason behind his not reaching out.

A scenario like this is easily clarified. He has time,
just not for you.

In Michael and Alicia’s situation, I’m not going to
discount the fact that he genuinely liked Alicia and
was making some level of effort. However, the
reality in most situations when the guy says, “I’m just
too busy,” it really means, “I don’t want to put in that
kind of effort for you.” It also means, he doesn’t view
you as a high enough priority in his life to take time
away from what he considers to be a higher priority.

In Michael’s case, his business and work were a
higher priority than Alicia and she wasn’t important
enough (yet) for him to justify taking time away
from it to give to her. However, reasons can vary. It
could be his children, family issues, social
commitments he had before he met you. A variety

HE SAYS He’s Too Busy for a Relationship 29

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