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I shared with her the hard truth, “Just because he
won’t let you go, doesn’t mean he loves you.”

I’ve seen it repeatedly. Women will continue
dealing with men who won’t stop coming back, who
won’t leave them alone, even if these same men also
don’t treat them with the love and respect they
deserve. They conclude that these types of men love
them, but they don’t. They equate the chasing with
an overflow of love that doesn’t exist.

If you’ve found yourself in this type of situation
or close to it, I want to tell you the same thing I told
Kate, “He doesn’t love you. He’s simply infatuated
with you.”

I can say that with the utmost certainty. Here’s why:
It’s easier to chase lust than it is to chase love.
When a man is truly in love with a woman, he’s not
going to constantly behave in a toxic manner
towards her. If there are instances where he messes
up, he’s not going to hesitate to figure out a way to
correct his mistakes. However, he’s also not going to
let her go so easily with the “one minute we’re
together, the next minute we’re not,” game.

HE Won’t Let You Go, but That Doesn’t Mean He Loves You 67

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