CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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Chapter 9:

The Acve Journal Method

In this chapter, we are going to talk about the third and most
important love chemical – oxytocin and how you can use oxytocin
to create the loving aachment your relaonship needs to last a
lifeme. So, I’m going to explain oxytocin’s role in love and
aachment and I’ll explain how you can facilitate the producon of
oxytocin so that your man becomes deeply aached and in love
with you. I’m also going to tell you about the Acve Journal
Method which will allow your man to open up to you with his
deepest secrets and desires so that you no longer have any doubt
about where you stand or what you mean to him. These ps are
based on solid psychological science and are designed to
strengthen the emoonal bond and aachment he feels for you.
First, I need to quickly explain aachment theory and what it
means to be aached to someone. So, aachment theory is an
area of psychology that describes the nature of emoonal
aachment or emoonal connecons between humans.
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