doesn’t seem very similar. They seem to be different types of
rela onships. But let me give you some examples of the
similari es.
So, in each of these examples, think about how babies and parents
interact with each other and then how two people in roman c love
interact with each other.
For example...
- both feel safe when the other is near and responsive
(responsive is key here) - both engage in close, in mate, bodily contact (think about
how we hug and kiss babies) - both feel insecure when the other is inaccessible
- both share discoveries with one another (they learn new
things about each other) - both play with one another's facial features and exhibit a
mutual fascina on and preoccupa on with one another - both engage in "baby talk" with each other...
It’s crazy how similar these interac ons are, right? Well, that’s
because they are all interac ons that are a result of a achment.
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