CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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I’m going to explain the secret to geng what you want from your
relaonship in detail. And to make it easier to understand, I’m
going to share some examples of situaons and we will go through
the steps together starng with this one.
A few years ago I was working with a woman, let’s call her Jenny.
Jenny was a 27 year old college graduate who had been dang a
28 year old man named Jared.
The couple had been “dang” for about a year and Jenny explained
that they spent a lot of me together and they were inmate, but
Jared did not want to be in a relaonship.
Jenny felt like Jared was giving her mixed messages because they
spent so much me together and acted like a couple. But sll, he
refused to call her his girlfriend or to be in an official relaonship.
When Jenny contacted me, her immediate complaint was that
Jared would make plans with her, but then he would blow her off
and cancel with her at the last minute when his friends wanted to
go out. What she really wanted was a commitment from Jared and
for him to make her a priority.
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