CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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he did not want the commitment or responsibilies of a
Jared did feel remorseful and he recognized that blowing Jenny off
was disrespecul and hurul. But he sll connued to do it. The
problem here was that their relaonship values and goals were
different and because Jenny wanted him so badly, she refused to
accept what Jared told her, in favor of what she wanted to believe.
She wanted a relaonship with a man who told her and showed
her that he was not relaonship material. And as long as their
relaonship values and goals were totally different, Jared would
never be able to give her what she wanted in a relaonship.
If you are in a relaonship with a person who does not share those
same values, goals and qualies, geng your needs met
consistently is not going to happen.
Step one is to make a list of your core relaonship values and
qualies that are important to you. To make it easier, Iā€™m going to
share the qualies of a partner that are important to look into
because being incompable on too many of these values makes a
lasng relaonship much more difficult.
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