CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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All of us have an inner voice which provides a running verbal
monologue of thoughts while we are awake. Your inner voice is
basically your sense of self and your stream of consciousness.As
we grow up and experience things, our paerns of thoughts and
behaviors (both good and bad) get organized into what
psychologists call schemas. Schemas are our deeply entrenched
beliefs about ourselves and the world. These schemas determine
how we think, feel, act, and relate to ourselves and others. And
very oen, people have developed maladapve, or negave
schemas such as self-defeang life paerns of percepon, and
negave and crical beliefs about ourselves.
And of course these maladapve schemas guide your inner voice
and your beliefs and behaviors as you get into relaonships. This
crical inner voice makes us turn against ourselves by promong
hosle, paranoid and suspicious thinking that lowers our
self-esteem and drives unhealthy levels of distrust and anxiety. Let
me give you an example of how this works.
Let’s say you recently started dang a man and he’s been
thoughul, interested and consistently making plans with
you.Things have been great.
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