CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

([email protected]) #1

you, and absolutely no social media stalking -if you have to
unfollow him, unfollow him
Your ex needs some space and me to remove all the negave
associaons from the breakup and start missing you. I know that
so many will object to not responding to him when he reaches out
to you. Don’t do it. If it’s a real emergency, he'll find a way to
communicate that to you. And don’t worry that he's going to
forget you. Ask yourself this queson, have you forgoen about
him already? He hasn’t and won’t forget about you. And if he has,
then there is nothing that you could have done that would have
made him yours.
Something very important to note: No one can guarantee that
you'll be able to get back together with your ex. If they do make
that promise, steer clear of their advice. No one can make another
person change their mind if they don’t want to. What I can tell you
is that if you follow this plan, your chances of geng your ex back
will increase significantly. If the two of you are compable and
you’ve just gone through a rough patch, following this plan gives
you the best shot of geng back with him. Geng over a breakup
is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever experience. But
you’ve got to commit to doing these steps and I promise you'll
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