helpful. So consider recrui ng two or three people you can reach
out to when you need someone. Not only will they be your
support system, they can also be your accountability person. Every
me you want to send a text to your partner or are reminded
about your ex and want to reach for them, reach for one of your
buddies instead.
And, It’s great to have mul ple people so you don’t worry about
your friend being red of having to hear the same things, or
overwhelming them. Let your friends know that you need their
help to get through this.
5. Stop Rumina ng
Psychologists define rumina ng as passive and repeated focusing
and thinking about a situa on, its causes and its consequences.
Rumina ng is finding yourself caught in a loop, replaying memories
and past conversa ons, or fantasizing about what you might say to
your ex. A er a breakup, you may find yourself rumina ng quite a
bit and that certainly doesn’t feel good. So there are a few good
ways to handle post breakup rumina on.
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