Long a er the rela onship is over, events, people, places, songs, or
other external cues associated with their abandoning lover can
trigger memories and renewed craving. Don’t do it. Trust me, me
heals, but not if you keep picking at a wound and re-injuring
yourself. The goal is to spend less and less me thinking about a
person who is no longer in your life and focus on you.
3. Give Yourself Permission to Grieve
When you’re dealing with the loss of a roman c rela onship, there
are a variety of compe ng emo ons you might be feeling: shock,
sadness, anger, fear, shame.
Remember what we talked about - Don’t try to suppress them or
numb them with drugs or alcohol. Let yourself grieve the
rela onship. This process is necessary for healing and emerging
4. Build Your Support System.
Some people keep to themselves and try to figure it all out, but
you can only do so much inside your own head. Having a
suppor ve network of friends who care about you is incredibly
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