many guys want them when they are on a date. I mean that would
seem crazy right?
Instead, it happens when they are feeling insecure or maybe
worried about being rejected by the guy they want. Here’s an
example: A woman has plans to go out with the guy she’s da ng,
but something comes up and he needs to cancel. Perhaps this is
the second me it’s happened... and so, on the phone, she starts
talking about the 4 guys that are dying to take her out, or how she
turned down two other guys to go out with him.
That's the kind of false confidence I’m referring to. It’s triggered by
insecurity... Again the reason they brag or boast is because she
feels insecure about herself and believes that bragging is going to
boost her image. Instead, it does the opposite. Too o en, he'll hear
the disappointment in your voice and recognize how much you
fear that he cancelled because he doesn’t like you or want to be
with you. Again, this lowers your value in his eyes.
The third behavior that makes him believe you are insecure or
needy can be triggered when you over-text and
over-communicate. Keeping in regular contact with the person
you’re da ng is usually so sweet... it’s like you are sharing your day
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