CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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with someone. Almost as if they are keeping you company and
making your day more enjoyable.
This is as long as the communicaon is balanced, meaning he's
iniang the conversaon at least 50% of the me. On the other
hand, if you’re the one that is usually contacng him a lot more... it
won’t be long before he’ll begin seeing you as needy and clingy.
So, think about these quesons: Do you get anxious if he doesn’t
respond right away... does your heart drop when you realize he
hasn't texted back for a while? Do you start worrying that
something’s wrong? If so, that’s a problem. And if you’re double
and triple texng him without a response, that adds to your
anxiety and raises the clinginess index tremendously and he'll
undoubtedly feel your insecurity and neediness and that becomes
very unaracve.

2. He Doesn’t Think You Have a Life – Because You

are Always Available for Him

One of the most important traits that men find aracve in
women is independence. In other words, men are aracted to
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