CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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And great parents listen to their children’s thoughts and seek to
know and understand their feelings. They use this knowledge and
understanding to take acon with their child’s best interest at
heart. So now apply this to yourself. Being able to reflect upon,
learn, and understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is
praccing the component of self-knowing.
And lastly, a loving parent is concerned for and dedicated to
maintaining the health, welfare, and safety of their child. They
educate their children on healthy eang and the value of exercise
and teach them to live a healthy lifestyle. They do their best to
protect their child physically and psychologically and seek
immediate care when the child is ill or in pain. When you place a
high priority on taking good care of yourself, you are praccing the
self caring aspect of self-love.
Ok, so hopefully you have a beer understanding of what self-love
is and you recognize it as a pracce that is psychologically healthy
and related to confidence, high self-esteem, and taking good care
of yourself. But self-love is also absolutely essenal to developing
a healthy relaonship because self love insures that you find the
right partner who loves, respects, and cherishes you.
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