CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

([email protected]) #1

New relaonships can be exhilarang, thrilling and super excing
when things are going well. But they can also be stressful and
unseling when things just aren’t right.
And this is when loving yourself is absolutely essenal. Because
when you pracce self love, you’re able to walk away from people
and situaons that are not good for you.
Rather than stand up for themselves and walk away from
something that will never work, many are willing to go to great
lengths trying to make things right and keep a person in their life.
When you lack self love, you’re willing to accept toxic behaviors
while hoping your partner changes. Or, to win the affecon of
their new partner, they compromise their values and beliefs and
try to become what they think their partner wants.
Of course, compromising your values and beliefs is far from
healthy or self-loving.
So, what do you do? How does self love protect you from bad
relaonships? When entering a new relaonship, praccing
self-love may require you to look at your life through the lens of
being your own best friend. Doing so means that you take me to
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