CDB08D100A80451996F115A9C5BDC431_The Book Of Love eBook-1_PDOC

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recognizing that he must change his behavior or he's going to lose
Now I know that this is going to seem scary to some of you.
However if you really want your man to love you and appreciate
you and know your value, he must be a lile bit fearful of losing
you. Let me explain...
Have you heard the quote “You don't know what you have unl it's
gone.’? It’s true for both people and possessions. Somemes we
don’t even realize how much we need someone, or something,
unl we are forced to be without it.
And it happens in so many relaonships. I know of hundreds of
situaons where men took their wives or girlfriends for granted
and failed to listen to her complaints. They stopped pung in
effort or they under-appreciated them. And despite her objecons
and warnings these men failed to take correcve acon and make
the relaonship beer. Instead, they felt she was just complaining
or nagging and they did nothing.
Then, one day the woman decides that she’s had enough. She’s
red of being unhappy and taken for granted. She’s done... she’s
checked out. I can’t count the number of couples that I’ve worked
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