Herb & Spice Companion

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Soil: Light, loose, fertile, well drained
Plant: Seeds, soaked in water for 3 to 6 days and dried
before sowing
Water: Regularly when young, to keep the seedlings
consistently moist; less frequently when established,
when the soil feels dry. Water at the base of the plant
and not over the leaves.
Harvest: Snip full stems if harvesting the leaves. Once the seeds are ripe in the sec-
ond year (they should be dark brown), snip the flower heads into a paper bag, taking
care not to lose any seeds. Dry them for up to 10 days, then separate the seeds. You
can also dig up the roots to cook as a vegetable.
Care: Place mulch around the plants to provide nutrients and protect from the cold.
Weed regularly, especially when young. Protect from winds. Prune heavily in fall to
protect from winter weather, and the plant will grow back in spring.

In the Kitchen
Dishes: Breads, stews, sauerkraut, pick-
les, curries, rice, pastas, liqueurs
Prep: Split harvested fruits in half to
obtain the crescent-shaped seeds, which
can be used whole or ground. Toast
whole seeds to bring out their flavor
before adding to a dish (see page 150).
Serve: The anise flavor of caraway bal-
ances out the richness of fatty meats,
such as pork, sausage, and duck, and
also pairs wonderfully with apples, cab-
bage, and cheeses. Whole seeds are
baked into crackers, cakes, and breads,
especially rye and pumpernickel, and
infused into liqueurs like akvavit and
kümmel. They’re a central seasoning
in coleslaw and sauerkraut, as well as
heavy meat stews like goulash. Seeds
grow bitter when cooked for a long
time, so add at the end of cooking for
optimal flavor.


Fennel Seeds

  • Dill seeds

  • Anise

Fruits and Vegetables:
apples, Brussels sprouts, cabbage,
carrots, celery, cucumbers,
green beans, onions, potatoes,
tomatoes, turnips
Proteins: bacon, beef, cheeses,
duck, eggs, pork, sausage
Seasonings: allspice,
cardamom, cinnamon, cilantro,
cumin, dill, fennel seeds, garlic,
honey, juniper berries, lemon
juice and zest, mustard, paprika,
parsley, pepper, thyme, turmeric

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